With you, we will become Europe's sustainable chemical park!

Green electricity


Heat pump

Electrode boiler

Chemical recycling

Digital heat register

We need your help for these projects:

Green electricity

As part of the sustainable transformation of the energy-intensive chemical industry, Currenta is also involved as an energy supplier. We supply our customers with green energy products - e.g. green electricity via so-called PPA products from the market.


Chemion has been using electric delivery vehicles for longer than Swiss Post. There are now 82 charging points for the electric cars of CHEMPARK companies, which are powered 100% by green electricity.

Waste heat utilisation

There is great potential for waste heat utilisation at the CHEMPARK. New technical developments, such as large heat pumps and more and more green electricity, are making its utilisation increasingly economical. Waste heat utilisation will therefore be an important component of the sustainability transformation and decarbonisation.

This is what we are doing:

Digital heat register

The digital heat register is a software tool for systematically recording and visualising heat sinks and sources in the CHEMPARK and deriving project ideas for sustainable heat supply. The data collected from customers is processed, fed into the CURRENTA data lake and analysed using mathematical models.

Find out more about the CURRENTA Coding Weekend ⟶

Chemical recycling

Breaking down used products into their chemical starting materials and making them fit for a second product life is possible, as Covestro demonstrates using PU mattresses at the CHEMPARK, which can now be chemically recycled for the most part.

Electrode boilers

CURRENTA already generates climate-neutral steam in its electric boilers, which can be operated with green electricity. The CHEMPARK can compensate for fluctuations in the electricity grid through its continuous demand. This is an important function in order to keep the grid stable when large amounts of electricity are fed into the grid when there is a lot of sun and wind.

That's what we do:

Paperless laboratory

CURRENTA Analytik has digitised raw data and long-term archiving in order to meet the strict regulatory requirements of the German Medicines Act (GMP). The progressive automation of typical laboratory processes such as weighing with digital value transfers and electronic workflows (approval and signature processes) are further milestones on the way to a lean laboratory and the conservation of resources.

Digitalisation Protection

In the future, CHEMPARK vehicles will be able to access the site with their ID card alone, just as securely as they do now. In fire protection and safety technology, the Services division is already accelerating and simplifying processes digitally, for example by recording the equipment to be tested and test data fully electronically.


We want to reduce our emissions by at least 60 per cent by 2030. Phasing out coal, combined heat and power generation and electrode boilers are important building blocks for this.


Every CHEMPARK site already produces hydrogen today, which is used on site. In the future, it is to be produced in a climate-neutral way, especially in sunny and windy countries. In order to bring the sustainable raw material to the CHEMPARK for material, thermal and mobility applications, appropriate infrastructures must be established. CURRENTA is involved in establishing regional hydrogen platforms.

We are doing this in concrete terms:

Digitalisation of logistics

Integrated Transport and Loading Site Management (ITLM) will significantly reduce waiting times at the car depots at the CHEMPARK sites. Chemion is setting up a digital platform for this purpose, into which all parties involved in the transport process will enter the relevant data and process it in real time. This will ensure smooth processes with short waiting times for transport operations and maximum transparency for the companies at the CHEMPARK.

Strong impetus for tangible transformation: Our Coding Weekend!

That's how we see ourselves

Developed by employees, supported by the organisation: together as a company, we have paused and found ourselves. In workshops, 65 employees of the Group asked themselves this question: Who do we want to be, what do we stand for? The answer is this: With a clear focus on sustainability, we want to connect people and industry.

Grafik: Wir verbinden Mensch und Industrie, Partner für eine lebenswerte Zukunft

What you can achieve with us

What you bring with you

Get to know us

We are CURRENTA – a team of around 5,000 experts who manage one of the largest chemical sites in Europe: the CHEMPARK in Leverkusen, Dormagen and Krefeld-Uerdingen. Whether sustainable supply and disposal, a wide range of analytical and infrastructure services or comprehensive services for safety, health protection and other areas – work with us towards our common goal: to offer our customers the best service.

We have big plans: Europe’s sustainable chemical park! To this end, we are building a team of Transformation Project Managers (m/f/d) to support us in this transformation. Do you like breaking new ground? “We’ve always done it this way” motivates you even more? Do you prefer to actively drive projects forward rather than just manage them? Then you’ve come to the right place. Drive us forward!

We offer our colleagues a medium-sized company environment. With us, you can move the world locally and make a difference together. Mobile working, short decision-making processes and respectful interaction at eye level are firmly anchored in our culture.

We welcome and promote the diversity of our employees. Diversity makes us innovative, diverse and open. It makes an important contribution to the success of our company.

#ForNewChemistry #OnTheMove #MissionSustainability #Sustainability #Driver #Transformation

Our management philosophy

The success of our company is based on the motivation, creativity and strong commitment of our employees. This requires a management culture that creates a working environment that supports and continuously develops precisely these three factors. In extensive workshops, we listened to the voices from all areas of the CURRENTA Group to gain a precise understanding of their leadership requirements. On this basis, we developed our leadership model by and for the CURRENTA Group with the important goal of supporting cooperation between managers and employees in a pragmatic and forward-looking way.


I take responsibility and lead in a results-orientated way.

I take responsibility for my decisions and those of my team.

I ensure that decisions are made promptly and that information is transparent.

I help to the extent that is individually desired in order to achieve the jointly agreed work result.

I pay attention to realistic and concrete goals for a healthy workload for the employees entrusted to me and for myself.

I act as a role model.


I listen and am available.

I plan 1:1 meetings with my employees and find out about the status of their work.

In these meetings, I focus entirely on my employees and avoid distractions.

I am available to my employees in a timely manner for questions, concerns and support needs.

I actively listen and try to understand my employees.

I scrutinise my attitude or decision and discuss it with my employees.


I trust you and your work.

I recognise the skills and abilities of my employees and trust them to find solutions.

I put myself in front of my employees and create a positive error culture.

I make my employees’ successes visible.

I promote the independence of my employees by handing over responsibility in a structured manner.

I avoid micromanagement.


I communicate at eye level.

I take my employees seriously and try to understand their point of view.

I communicate honestly and openly.

I behave in an appreciative and respectful manner, regardless of function or role.

I also take opposing points of view into account and try to include them in my decision-making.

I explain my attitudes and decisions to target groups.


I will give you feedback and ask for your feedback.

I create a space that enables open and honest feedback for my employees.

I actively and regularly ask for feedback on my work and my leadership.

I make sure that my feedback is appreciative, timely and based on specific examples.

I make time for feedback and see it as an opportunity to develop myself and my team.

I ensure that feedback is accepted in my team.


I develop you and create added value in the company.

I recognise the potential of my employees and promote it – also across departments.

I actively plan my employees’ qualifications with a view to current and future needs.

I understand the skills of my employees as the core of generating added value.

I combine the promotion of and demands on my employees in a balanced way.

I create a balance between the development goals of my employees and the company.


Current job offers in the field of security & fire protection
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Teamkoordination Kunden-/Servicecenter Werkschutz (m/w/d)

(Werk-)Feuerwehrmann/-frau (m/w/d)

Hochschulpraktikant*in im Bereich Brandschutz Dormagen (m/w/d)

Hochschulpraktikant*in bei der Werkfeuerwehr (m/w/d)

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