Psychosocial counselling

Support in all situations


Life is full of challenges – both professionally and privately. It’s good to have a reliable partner at your employees’ side. Our ‘Healthy Working World’ psychosocial counselling is focused entirely on your employees: in counselling for professional and private issues as well as for functionaries such as managers, HR and works council members.

With psychosocial counselling, your company and your employees have an experienced and multi-professional team of psychological psychotherapists, social pedagogues and social workers at their side.

That's what sets us apart:

We are a multi-professional team.
We advise on site, by video or by telephone.
We offer prompt professional advice.
We take time for you and your topic.

Did you know ...

of sick days in 2023 are attributable to mental illnesses

0 %

of adults in Germany are affected by mental illness within a year

0 %

of those affected find their way into health care

0 %

Waiting time for a regular therapy place in NRW.

0 Monate

We offer you prompt, timely, low-threshold and professional individual counselling for your employees and tailor-made prevention services for your company.

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