Melamine Analytics

Melamine is used in industry as a raw material to produce adhesives, wood glues and melamine resins, which are also used to produce camping and children’s tableware.

In the wake of the “melamine scandal” in 2008, Chinese milk products for infants were spiked with melamine to simulate a high protein content in the products. In combination of the melamine metabolite cyanuric acid, this led to kidney failure in several infants.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends reviewing all drug starting materials and excipients that have an increased risk of contamination with melamine.




We offer you the selective determination of melamine and melamine metabolites in starting materials and excipients of medicinal products under GMP and the quantitative determination of melamine as pure substance analysis as well as the determination of free melamine in various products, granulates, molded parts, pigments/dyes under research conditions (DIN EN/ISO 9001) and DIN EN/ISO 17025.

This means that we can provide you with a statement on the presence of melamine, ammeline, ammelide and cyanuric acid in your sample materials with the help of an effective and gentle sample extraction and subsequent quantification. In this way, we support you in the quality assurance of your products.

For you, this means security regarding the strict quality and safety requirements for your production of pharmaceuticals, polymers, and pigments/dyes.

We have already been able to support other customers in quality assurance and the avoidance of additional costs.

How can we support you?

Our techniques:

  • HPLC-UV (DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025)
  • Sample preparation (extractions)

Sample matrices:

Raw materials and products with a risk of melamine contamination (e.g. lactose, povidone, glucagon and polymer granulates).

Do you have analytical needs? Feel free to contact us!


Hanna Rüsche
Hanna Rüsche

Schneller Kontakt zur Analytik


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