Identity and structure determination

We offer:


NMR spectroscopy is an indispensable tool in chemical analysis. It enables the precise determination of molecular structures and the identification of impurities. It is particularly important in the pharmaceutical industry as it ensures the purity of active ingredients. It also enables the efficient analysis of large sample quantities and cost-effective comparison with reference standards. Companies benefit from precise and reliable analyses that help to ensure product quality and safety.


You can find more information about our NMR services on our central NMR page.


How can we support you?


NMR spectroscopy enables the identification and quantification of impurities. By analyzing the NMR spectra, it is possible to ensure that samples are homogeneous and do not contain unwanted impurities.

It is also possible to distinguish between the structure of isomers and rotamers. This is important in the pharmaceutical industry, for example, where the purity of active ingredients is of crucial importance.

Another application of NMR spectroscopy is the verification of the identity of substances against qualified reference standards. No separate method development is necessary for this. The comparison is therefore inexpensive, fast and efficient.

The efficiency of NMR spectroscopy makes it possible to analyze large quantities of samples in a short time.

In summary, NMR spectroscopy is a powerful and versatile method for determining the identity and quality control of substances. Its ability to provide detailed structural information and impurities makes it an indispensable tool in chemical analysis. Companies that rely on NMR spectroscopy benefit from precise and reliable analyses that help to ensure product quality and safety.

Your advantages in focus:


Structural information

  • Determination of the molecular structure at the atomic level
  • Differentiation between isomers and rotamers
  • One-to-one assignment of signals and atoms
  • Unambiguous assignment through interpretation of chemical shift, multiplicity, correlations and coupling


Purity testing

  • Identification and quantification of impurities
  • Ensuring the homogeneity of samples


Reference standards

  • Verification of identity against qualified reference standards
  • No method development required
  • Fast, cost-effective and efficient
  • Creation of meaningful test reports


Quality control

  • Verification of the identity of intermediate and end products
  • Support in complying with QA specifications


Fast and reliable analysis

  • Efficient method for determining identity
  • High selectivity and accuracy


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Dr. Johanna Becker
Dr. Johanna Becker

Schneller Kontakt zur Analytik


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