
We offer:


We support you in meeting future regulatory requirements for regular microplastic analysis. Our services increase the efficiency and environmental compatibility of your processes and help to ensure drinking water quality.

We help you to achieve sustainable production targets and meet the requirements of initiatives such as Operation Clean Sweep. We also promote knowledge building to identify emission sources in your production.

How can we support you?


Legal situation

EU Regulation 2023/2055: This regulation aims to reduce the release of microplastics (MP) into the environment. From 2026, industrial users of synthetic polymer microparticles will be obliged to provide information on the amount released into the environment.

Operation Clean Sweep: This voluntary commitment is aimed at companies in the plastics supply chain. The aim is to minimize the release of microplastics into the environment and to obtain certification.

DIN EN ISO 24187-2024: This standard defines the principles for the analysis of microplastics in the environment. It provides standardized methods for the identification and quantification of microplastic particles.

ASTM D 8333: This standard describes the standard practices for the preparation of water samples with high, medium or low suspended solids content for the identification and quantification of microplastic particles and fibers by Raman spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy or pyrolysis-GC/MS.

DIN EN ISO 16094: This standard deals with water quality and the analysis of plastics in water. Part 2 describes methods using vibrational spectroscopy, while Part 3 deals with thermo-analytical methods for water with low levels of natural suspended solids


Pyrolysis – gas chromatography / mass spectrometry

Pyrolysis, derived from the ancient Greek “pyr” (fire) and “lysis” (solution), is a process in which organic materials are decomposed by thermal energy under inert conditions. This produces gaseous pyrolysates that can be used to identify polymers by database matching. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is used to precisely separate and detect these analytes. This method is suitable for analyzing liquid, solid and gaseous samples and enables the material composition to be determined precisely.

  • Identity determination (qualitative analysis)
  • Quantitative analysis possible
  • Small sample quantities: 5 µg to 200 µg
  • Robust analysis for solid, liquid and gaseous samples/materials
  • Independent of particle properties: Analyses are not dependent on particle size, shape or color.


Analysis by vibrational spectroscopy


Laser Direct Infrared Spectroscopy (LDIR):

Identity determination, number, sizing and distribution of microplastics are critical factors in the analysis and assessment of environmental pollution. Our full-area filter analysis uses a quantum cascade laser and chemical imaging to enable a fast and automated complete analysis. We also use Raman microscopy and the ATR technique for identification.


  • Identity determination (qualitative analysis)
  • Number (quantitative analysis)
  • Size determination / distribution
  • Full-area filter analysis
  • Quantum cascade laser enables fast and automated complete analysis by means of chemical imaging
  • Measuring range for automated analysis 20 µm to 500 µm
  • ATR technology for individual measurement of larger particles
  • All analyses (individual and automated measurements) are taken into account for an overall result.
  • Raman microscopy can be used as an additional identification technique
  • 1-20 µm detectable via individual measurements


The measuring range for automated analysis is between 20 µm and 500 µm. For larger particles, we use the ATR technique, while particles from 1-20 µm can be detected via individual measurements. All analyses, both individual and automated measurements, are taken into account by statistical evaluations for a comprehensive overall result.


Microplastic analysis on filters

We analyze your sample for microplastic particles on suitable filters. This sample can, for example, come from waste water, bottled water or sediments. The method involves fractionating the particles by size on several filters, e.g. 10-50 µm, 50-100 µm, 100-300 µm 300-500 µm and >500 µm. The analysis result provides a statement about the total number of polymer types, identified using µIR spectroscopy (QCL technique).


Microplastic analysis of pellets

Have you found pellets in water, soil, sludge or sediment? Possibly also on your working or storage area? Then we can offer you the classification of these pellets >500 µm including the identification of representative plastic pellets using µRaman or µIR spectroscopy.

Focus on your advantages:


Additional service / sample preparation

Before microplastic analysis, preparation is necessary depending on the nature or origin of the sample. For example, liquid or solid samples from process water, wastewater from municipal or industrial plants and residues from sewer manholes require special pre-treatment in order to free the microplastic particles from interfering matrices. Techniques such as density separation or chemical-enzymatic treatment can be used for this purpose.


Additional service / Statistical analysis

The statistical analysis provides you with detailed information on the particle sizes and numbers determined per fraction and identified polymer type. In addition, a statement can be made about the substance-specific particle size distribution of the polymer types in relation to the total quantity of the analyzed sample and each subsample. All measurement results, including individual measurements from different techniques (e.g. ATR technique, µRaman spectroscopy) are included.


Do you have indications of microplastics in products or (process) wastewater and want to have them analyzed? Using a pyrolysis-GC/MS system, we can identify polymers as pellets or in filtrates as well as in complex matrices/formulations. This technique is independent of the particle size or the quantity ratios of the particles present.


Dr. Dina Gabriel
Dr. Dina Gabriel

Schneller Kontakt zur Analytik


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