Elemental Analysis

Thanks to our extensive, cutting-edge facilities, the expertise of our teams of specialists and a seamless mix of methods, we are able to handle an extraordinarily broad range of analytical inquiries. We select the ideal analytical technique and method for your requirements, factoring in your specifications for the duration of analysis and your budget.

From routine methods to high-end analytics

In addition to applying the methods available in our DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025-accredited laboratories, we can also work under GMP and GLP conditions, as required.

We are also happy to assist you with new inquiries and research projects. If required, we develop and validate product-specific methods using our extensive facilities and our many years of experience. Throughout this process, we never lose sight of the need to deliver valid results efficiently.

Overview of our methods of instrumental analysis for element determination

  • Elemental Analysis
    • AAS
    • ICP-OES
    • ICP-MS
    • XRF
    • Polarography
  • Speciation analysis using LC-ICP-MS
  • Elementary analysis (CHN)

We also offer numerous classic “wet chemical” analytical methods such as volumetric and gravimetric analysis. Furthermore, if necessary, we can call on the strong analytical method network of CURRENTA.

Measurements in different matrices

We identify concentrations of elements from a percentage range in the case of content determinations all the way to the ultra-trace range for pure substances – in a very wide variety of matrices. Over the years, we have developed special strengths in the analysis of chemical intermediates and end products, pharmaceuticals and the corresponding raw materials.

Naturally, appropriate sample preparation is also part of what we do and includes sample digestion for inorganic and organic samples. This involves using various techniques such as acid, melt, microwave, high-pressure and total digestion and various enrichment processes.

Trace analytics in silicon-containing samples

Silicon (lat. silicia), a tetravalent metalloid from the carbon group, is used very widely in industry.

Assessing samples with a silicon-containing matrix Elementary silicon is used in metallurgy, photovoltaics and microelectronics. As a component in silica sol and water glass, silicon is used in applications including construction, dental, textile, paper and semiconductor technology.

When it comes to analyse raw materials for impurities that include silicon, this broad spectrum of applications highlights just how essential it is to have analytics that can reach the ppb range for production monitoring and quality assurance activities.

CURRENTA Analytics has many years of experience in elemental analytics. In particular, we have developed special sample preparation techniques for silicon-containing matrices.

Thanks to optimized sample preparation and a wide range of facilities, we are able to carry out measurements in the space of a few hours. With support from our laboratory information system, the measured values are compared directly against the limit values specified by the customer and, if a limit has been breached, the customer is notified immediately.

This ensures our customers are able to respond to production faults quickly and minimize downtime.

We are also happy to help with sample logistics.

Make the most of our extensive expertise!


We offer nitrogen analysis in the trace range (ppb) in your liquid and solid samples. The detection is carried out with a chemiluminescence detector under the conditions of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.

This means that by adding electronically generated ozone, NO reacts to NO2 and chemiluminescence is achieved. This is converted into an electrical signal with a photomultiplier.

Your advantage is that you can meet the quality and safety requirements according to e.g. ASTM D4629, ASTM D5762, ASTM D6069 and ASTM D7184.

How can we support you?


Piotr Stafiej
Piotr Stafiej

Schneller Kontakt zur Analytik


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