Migration test

We offer migration tests on plastics intended to come into contact with food.

In other words, we have established methods, normative procedures or even individual, product-specific solutions to support you in your migration testing.

For you this means, that we are at your side during the safety assessment of your material from the coordination in advance to the analytical evaluation after the measurement.

How can we support you?

Our techniques:

  • Total migration according to DIN EN 1186-3:2002 (food contact) or individual specifications
  • Specific migration
  • GC-MS/MS
  • LC-MS/MS
  • ICP-MS
  • NMR

We can offer you the analyses under research conditions / ISO 9001 or DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 conditions.


Examples for sample matrices:

  • Plastic components (products) intended to come into contact with food
  • Plastic components (products) which are exposed to environmental influences
  • Plastic products for the manufacture of everyday objects

CURRENTA Analytik has been carrying out migration tests on materials (plastics) intended to come into contact with food, for many years. For this purpose, CURRENTA uses its broad portfolio of methods ranging from simple gravimetric determination in the case of global migration to trace methods (e.g. LC-MS/MS or GC-MS/MS) for the specific migration of monomers or additives.

For migration testing, CURRENTA Analytik has established methods and normative procedures (e.g. DIN EN 1186-3:2002). If required, we develop an analytical method for specific migration tailored to your problem.

With modern coupling techniques such as GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS, the frequently required detection limits in the range of a few µg/kg (ppb) can usually be achieved.

CURRENTA Analytik bases its migration testing and analysis on the European Standard EN 1186-3: Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs – Plastics: CURRENTA uses the prescribed food simulants, such as 10% ethanol and 3% acetic acid.

For solid foods, CURRENTA Analytik uses Tenax (poly(2,6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide)) as a surrogate (food simulant E) during migration. After the migration analysis, the used poly(2,6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide) is analysed either by classical extraction or by thermodesorption GC-MS.

We are happy to jointly discuss with you the contact conditions for your materials in advance of the investigations.

On request, we can also simulate other contact conditions outside the EU regulation. In addition, we can check on your behalf whether your food contact material complies with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 10/2011 or can be used for the manufacture of toys on the basis of the migration tests.

Application examples for specific migrations:

  • Monomers, additives and residual solvents from polycarbonate
  • Monomers, additives and residual solvents from ABS
  • Monomers, additives and residual solvents from polyester
  • Monomers, additives and residual solvents of polyamide
  • Additives and residual solvents from polyolefin

Feel free to contact us!


Dr. Julia Klein
Dr. Julia Klein


Dr. André-Janic Knoop
Dr. André-Janic Knoop

Schneller Kontakt zur Analytik


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