Our services in the area of REACH

We offer you a detailed data gap analysis based on an extensive literature research. Based on this, you will receive an optimal, i.e. robust and at the same time cost-saving registration strategy.

Our services on the subject of REACH include

  • Literature research
  • Data gap analysis
  • Dossier submissions (Summaries)
  • Inquiry/PPORD dossiers
  • Assessment and implementation of waiving options
  • QSAR calculations
  • Read across
  • Classification according to CLP VO
  • PBT assessment
  • PNEC derivation
  • Exposure assessment based on PhysChem and Efate data
  • Risk assessment
  • Authority inquiries/negotiations
  • Uvm


This means that all activities are coordinated and a dossier ready for submission is prepared. You will be accompanied throughout the registration process until the successful completion of the registration.

For you, this means that your questions about REACH will be answered and you will comply with the regulation.

How can we support you?

Your benefit from our services in the area of REACH

Increased planning reliability: We coordinate your customized testing program and its timing.

Time and cost savings: You benefit from our experience in reporting procedures. We are recognized by the authorities and can answer all your questions competently.

Flexibility: You decide to what extent you want us to support and relieve you in your work. We can handle complete substance registrations or product defenses for you, as well as selected partial tasks.

All services – consulting and analysis – from a single source.

Application examples

Other customers have already been able to import and produce their substances in the EU, participate in an existing SIEF, answer regulatory questions on existing dossiers, or ensure whether a substance is subject to registration under the REACH Regulation.

Further information on REACH

REACH Authorization

To ensure that industrial chemicals do not pose a risk to humankind and the environment, chemical substances are authorized in three stages that are governed by the REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) Regulation.

1. Registration:
Manufacturers and importers of chemicals analyze chemical substances and register them with the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency).

2. Evaluation:
The authorities check companies’ registrations, inspecting the quality of 5 percent of all registration dossiers. In addition to this, selected chemicals are assessed with regard to their properties of high concern and risk factors for humankind and the environment.

3. Authorization and restriction:
Although most chemicals do not need to be licensed in Europe, REACH requires substances of very high concern (SVHC) to be authorized. The ECHA can issue an authorization for these substances on request as long as the applicant proves that the chemical’s risks are manageable or the socio-economic benefits outweigh these risks. A restriction applies if the manufacture, marketing and use of the chemical is banned or restricted.
For the registration or authorization of industrial chemicals (according to the European Chemicals Act / REACH Regulation), of plant protection products and of biocides, tests on various physicochemical, application-oriented / technical, safety-relevant and ecotoxicological properties must generally be carried out in compliance with the principles of good laboratory practice (GLP).


Dr. Thomas Sadler
Dr. Thomas Sadler

Schneller Kontakt zur Analytik


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