Job Details

Hochschulpraktikant*in bei der Werkfeuerwehr (m/w/d)

ID: 3833

Lerne uns kennen

Das können Sie für uns tun

  • Sie unterstützen uns im Bereich der Werkfeuerwehr bei verschiedenen Projekten.
  • Sie unterstützen bei der Konzepterstellung und recherchieren zu spezifischen Fragestellungen im Bereich Gefahrenabwehr.
  • Zudem lernen Sie spannende Projekte im Bereich der Ausbildung sowie Einsatzplanung kennen.

Das bringen Sie mit

  • Sie studieren im Bereich Gefahrenabwehr wie Rescue-Engineering, Sicherheitstechnik oder einen vergleichbaren Studiengang.
  • Idealerweise bringen Sie Vorkenntnisse im Bereich BOS mit.
  • Sie verfügen über Englischkenntnisse und besitzen einen Führerschein.
  • Sie arbeiten sicher mit MS Office.

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Get to know us

We are CURRENTA – a team of experts who manage one of the largest chemical sites in Europe: CHEMPARK in Leverkusen, Dormagen and Krefeld-Uerdingen. Whether sustainable supply and disposal, diverse analytical and infrastructure services or comprehensive services for safety, health protection and other areas – work with us in exciting professions towards a common goal: to offer our customers the best service. We offer our colleagues a medium-sized environment. With us, you can move the world on the spot and change something together.

Get actively involved!

Copying and making coffee? Monotonous tasks? Not in #TeamCurrenta. With us, you gain job-specific knowledge and can prove yourself in your first project tasks. You will be actively supported by supervisors and receive adequate remuneration.

Staff in the original

In the middle of your studies – but curious about what awaits you in professional life? Soon to graduate from university and ready to start? At CURRENTA, engineers find many exciting challenges and opportunities for a successful start. An extraordinary variety of areas and tasks is what makes CURRENTA special – and particularly interesting as an employer.

Dominik Lamla works for CURRENTA as an operating engineer in electricity supply with a focus on project planning. Dominik Lamla has a large area of responsibility here, because 25,000 circuits alone are needed every year to supply the companies at the CHEMPARK with electricity... The young plant engineer has a lot planned: He is completing his master's degree while working and thus getting the right kick for his career. For engineers with management responsibility, CURRENTA sets no limits.

Katja Pelz studied chemical engineering. Today, she is an operating engineer at CURRENTA, responsible for the maintenance and safety of the highly modern wastewater treatment plant. She finds it exciting that not only technology, but also 100 million bacterial cells per millilitre are needed to ensure the quality of the wastewater. Her motto: Let's see what's yet to come - CURRENTA has so many possibilities.


FAQ | Questions and answers

Do you have questions? We've got the answers! Read our answers to the most frequently asked questions from applicants here.

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