ELIAS waste disposal portal


ELIAS adapts!

CURRENTA employees, customers or other partners sometimes have very different points of contact with ELIAS. This depends primarily on the role they play in the disposal process. CURRENTA took this into account when developing ELIAS, so that the system adjusts to the role defined for the user.

Which role is stored in ELIAS for the customer is determined in consultation with the respective CURRENTA contact person.

In the case of partners, CURRENTA defines the roles depending on the agreed tasks and the form of cooperation.

Users who are admitted to all areas on a role-specific basis can, with the help of ELIAS, for example:

  • Record disposal requests,
  • Manage documents,
  • View data, select its representation and export it,
  • Digitally sign in compliance with waste legislation or
  • View and verify invoices.

Information on the collection of personal data of ELIAS users is deposited here.


ELIAS - the way into the system

The main task of ELIAS is to act as an Internet-based platform to manage the waste streams to be disposed of by CURRENTA. Accordingly, only persons involved in this process are granted access.

Clarification approval

Customers first discuss the key data with their CURRENTA contact, for example the possible roles and tasks. The same applies to our partners and their contact persons at our company.

Application for approval/modification

Approval or a change to an existing approval must be applied for using a form. A detailed description of the process and the form are available online here.

Technical requirements:

  • Internet connection
  • Ideally MS Edge or Google Chrome
  • For all functionalities: PDF reader & MS Excel installed
  • For displaying or signing consignment notes: Browser plug-in ZEDAL Forms, instructions for installation can be found in this quick guide.


Do you have questions? Here you will find answers to your questions:

The term “register waste” stands for the recording of a disposal request. If there is an agreement with CURRENTA, users can initiate the disposal of a quantity of a waste that is currently present at any time.

How customers and partners capture in just a few steps is explained in the video below.
Prerequisites are an installed Media-player, Acrobat-Reader and Excel. In addition, sound playback should be possible.

The individual steps are also described in thesebrief instructions which can be printed in DIN A4 format and easily stored at the relevant workstations.

Other questions can of course be asked via the contact form.


Contact form

Do you have general questions or need additional information? In this case, please use our e-mail form.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

Or send us an email to:

* Mandatory field


Dr. Christoph Silberg

N 431
