Current information on the natural gas, heat and electricity price brake

Are you a private customer?

Natural gas

Due to the energy price crisis, suppliers and customers are facing particular challenges and rising energy prices this year. The federal government has planned short-term financial support (“emergency aid”) to mitigate this problem and relieve the burden on citizens, and has enacted the Natural Gas Heat Emergency Aid Act (EWSG) to implement it.
Click here to access the private customer letter, which provides you with comprehensive information about natural gas.

Are you a corporate customer at the CHEMPARK?

Natural gas

Due to the energy price crisis, utilities and customers will continue to face special challenges and rising energy prices in 2023. To mitigate this problem and relieve the burden on citizens, the federal government has passed a gas price brake and enacted the Natural Gas Heat Price Brake Act (EWPBG) to implement it. The aim is to support end consumers throughout 2023 and possibly also until 30 April 2024 with a state-financed price cap mechanism. For more information on the price cap for natural gas, please see our corporate customer letter. Customers who are supplied by means of recording power metering can benefit from emergency assistance in individual cases, e.g. if their annual consumption at the relevant withdrawal point does not exceed 1,500,000 kWh (if there are several withdrawal sites, the consumption is considered separately in each case). Click here to access the corporate client letter, which provides you with comprehensive information regarding emergency assistance for the medium of natural gas.


Due to the energy price crisis, utilities and customers will continue to face special challenges and rising energy prices in 2023. To mitigate this problem and relieve the burden on citizens, the federal government has passed a gas price brake and enacted the Natural Gas Heat Price Brake Act (EWPBG) to implement it. The aim is to support end consumers throughout 2023 and possibly also until 30 April 2024 with a state-financed price cap mechanism. For more information on the price cap for heat, please see our corporate customer letter. The Natural Gas Heat Emergency Assistance Act (EWSG) is a one-off state financial bridging measure for district heating, local heating and contracting customers until the introduction of the heat price brake. The law provides for heating customers to receive financial compensation for their payments due in December 2022. Click here to access the corporate client letter, which provides you with comprehensive information regarding emergency assistance for the medium of heat.


Due to the energy price crisis, utilities and customers will continue to face special challenges and rising energy prices in 2023. To mitigate this problem and relieve the burden on citizens, the Federal Government has adopted an electricity price brake and enacted the Electricity Price Brake Act (StromPBG) to implement it. The aim is to support end consumers throughout 2023 and possibly also until 30 April 2024 with a state-financed price cap mechanism. For more information on the price cap for electricity, please see our corporate customer letter.

Services that suit you

General conditions change continuously, and your energy needs are also subject to fluctuations. That’s why we not only ensure the safe supply of steam, electricity, compressed air, refrigeration, water, natural gas and technical gases – we also adapt our products and services to your individual requirements.

For electricity, for example, we offer you fixed-price models as well as structured or flexible electricity portfolio procurements. In addition, you can benefit from economically attractive conversion models for some other types of energy.

Whatever you need for safe and economical production – we see ourselves as your energy partner who thinks ahead and works out optimal solutions together with you!

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