Fire Safety Day

Fire Safety Day for rail vehicles

at the CHEMPARK Leverkusen

10 April 2025

The Fire Safety Day for rail vehicles is an event organised by CURRENTA Fire Technology and is aimed at all those interested in current topics and innovations in fire protection with a focus on the rail transport sector.

The exact programme will be announced in February 2025. Online registration will be possible from January 2025 via the registration form.

The participation fee is € 695 plus VAT.

Specifically interested visitors will have the opportunity to explore the test facilities in the CURRENTA Fire Technology fire test laboratory on April 11, 2025 between 9:30 and 12:00.

Our programme as a PDF for download and in the overview further down on the website.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Write to us at:

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Write to us at:

The speakers and the programme

10 April 2025

Information will follow shortly.

Fire safety in rail vehicles is a key issue for approval authorities, operators, manufacturers and suppliers. In view of new materials, technical developments and changing regulations, fire safety concepts and products must be continuously developed and adapted to current challenges. The 18th Rail Vehicle Fire Safety Day offers a platform for exchanging the latest findings, regulatory updates and practical solutions.

Topics such as the “New Legislative Framework” (NLF) and the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) are just as much a focus as the update on the international standard for rail vehicles ISO 9828. You will receive an overview of current fire technology test methods and key figures as well as the implementation of fire safety regulations for modernization and maintenance. In addition, a guideline for the development of design fires for computational fire simulation and the validation of fire simulations based on real fire tests will be presented. E-mobility and the use of lithium-ion batteries in rail vehicles pose new risks that require safe battery design and preventive measures.

In addition to the specialist presentations, the Fire Safety Day offers the ideal opportunity to exchange ideas with experts from industry, research and authorities. Together with you, we can discuss current challenges and derive practical solutions. In addition, networking enables us to make valuable contacts, share experiences and work together on strategies for future-proof fire safety in rail transport. Interested parties will also have the opportunity to visit the fire test house at Chempark Leverkusen and experience fire tests at first hand.

The speakers and the programme

10 April 2025

Note: The final program with all speakers, topics and the schedule will be made available shortly.



DIN-Normenausschuss Fahrweg und Schienenfahrzeuge, Berlin


Currenta – Analytik FMA, Leverkusen

Rainer HELDT

Railway Approvals Germany GmbH, Hannover

Alexander KUCHNER

Currenta – Analytik Brandtechnologie, Leverkusen


DB Systemtechnik GmbH, Brandenburg-Kirchmösern


Siemens Mobility Austria GmbH, Wien


Brandschutz Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Leipzig


European Union Agency for Railways, Valenciennes Cedex

Sebastian SCHULZ

Currenta – Analytik Brandtechnologie, Leverkusen


TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH, Berlin



Admission (Meet & Greet)




“New Legislative Framework” (NLF) and TSIen (SCHIRMER)


Experience from the perspective of a Notified Body – NoBo (HELDT)


Coffee break


Fire technology testing – overview of methods and key figures (SCHULZ)


Fire safety standardisation and work on the international standard for rail vehicles – ISO 9828 (GALLANDI)


Challenges in the implementation of fire protection regulations in the modernisation and maintenance of rail vehicles (LÜDERS)


Discussion, followed by a lunch break with snacks


The challenge of taking e-mobility with you on rail transport (TRETTIN)


From research to practice: A guide for the development of design fires for railway vehicles (OSBURG)


Validation of fire simulations on the basis of real fire tests (MURTINGER)


Closing remarks, followed by an opportunity for further discussion in the foyer


End of the event

* Programme subject to change

Tour of the fire technology

Those with a special interest had the opportunity to visit the testing facilities in CURRENTA’s fire test centre. This will also be possible again at the next Fire Protection Day.


CHEMPARK Leverkusen
Baykomm Communication Center
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 1, 51373 Leverkusen

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